Delia Cîrstea
“Excess or not?” and “Daily routine”
The basic idea of the two proposed works is closely related to the excesses of contemporary society. At the same time, the works sound an alarm about how we sometimes choose to use time against us, as well as about the unhealthy lifestyle we often embrace.
Delia Cîrstea is 20 years old and a student at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, in the Mural Art department. Currently, her attention is focused on the digital area, especially illustration. The subjects she chooses to represent are diverse, and the main aspect she focuses on in her illustrations is the creation of utopian characters, inspired by human flaws. As a rule, Delia chooses to capture the state or moment in which the character is and less the action itself.
Project realized with the support of Display Grup, Impuls Leasing Romania, AMIQ Consulting, ButanGas, interfaț, Respiro Dental, powered by Molotow România
Works lit with AVONI Lighting products.